Saturday, September 10, 2011

Where have we been?

So, us three ladies at KraftingWithK have come to a screeching halt--not in creativity, just in time.  Mrs. D dealt with a surgery of her own, plus her husband as well!  Mrs. K has recently started back at work and has been busy busy busy catching up!  My husband (Mr. S) has also had surgery, and then I got pregnant!  I am still in the first trimester, but it has been rough!  I've also been working on a friend's wedding dress (which I will post later, with her permission).

But the big news is that I am participating in the Crochet-along with Maybe Matilda!  Hit the box at the top of this post to check it out!  Basically, I have been seeing all these cute crochet patterns on etsy, but I don't know how to crochet!!

From CrochetMyLove on Etsy

From MaybeMatilda on Etsy

From CrochetMyLove on Etsy

Do I have babies on the brain?  Yes, yes I do!  Sooooo I am participating in Maybe Matilda's Crochet-Along, because she is teaching us all how to crochet! Yay!  This weekend's task is to go buy some yarn and a crochet hook.  I believe the stitching starts on Monday.  Wish me luck!  Here is a picture of what I got:

1 comment:

Rachel // Maybe Matilda said...

Woohoo! I'm so glad you're participating (and thanks for spreading the word!). Your yarn looks lovely--it's going to make a very pretty cowl. I'm so excited to get going!